Updates and Announcements
- Schedule for May (0 Replies)
- Prizes for the 4 day Guild Portal! (1 Reply)
- Prizes for the 4 day Solo Portal! (0 Replies)
- Phasmer's Takeover! (1 Reply)
- Phasmer's Takeover (Images and Skillsets) (0 Replies)
- Prizes for the 4 day Guild Bounty! (0 Replies)
- Dwarkin the Fierce Pack! - revised (1 Reply)
- Prizes for the 4 day Solo Bounty! (0 Replies)
- Schedule for April (1 Reply)
- Prizes for the 4 day Guild Portal! (0 Replies)
- New ability buff, Stalker's Eye/Mark (1 Reply)
- Prizes for the 4 day Solo Portal! (0 Replies)
- Count Castillo of Risen Pack! (0 Replies)
- Prizes for the 4 day Guild Assault! (0 Replies)
- Prizes for the 4 day Solo Bounty! (0 Replies)
- The new Dragon Mark hero is here! (2 Replies)
- Prizes for the 4 day Guild Bounty! (1 Reply)
- Preview of the new Dragon Mark hero (4 Replies)
- Prizes for the 4 day Solo Portal! (0 Replies)
- Prizes for the 4 day Guild Portal! (3 Replies)