HonorBound Game

Full Version: Schedule for March
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Hi Honorbound!

This is what is lined up for March:

Friday 3rd: 4 day Guild Bounty
Friday 10th: 4 day Solo Portal (Resource event)
Thursday 16th: 4 day Guild Assault 
Thursday 23rd: 4 day Solo Bounty (Resource event)
Friday 31rd: 4 day Guild Portal (Collection)

Arena season 8 is finished. 
This means that the four week season 8.5 starts on Tuesday March 7th after the honor has been reset. 
The between-season is about placing among the top 100 players to win a prize. 
The prizes are to be announced as is the start of arena season 9.

And, shhhh, rumor has it that Phasmer will take over the Elite Runes in April...