HonorBound Game

Full Version: Prizes for the 4 day Guild Portal!
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Hi Honorbound!

It has been ten years since the first guild event in Honorbound!

In celebration this event features:

- Double up on all threshold runes
- Chests in the thresholds
- The 3* mythic is a 4*
- The 2* mythic is a 3* 
- The secondary legendary is new

Now, please welcome:


Naema the Survivor, abilities: Burning Chant, Noxious Cloud, Abyssal Invocation


Magcryx the Lonely, abilities: Primal Blow, Demoralizing Roar, Mana Infusion


Lunadriel the Lost, abilities: Dark Shot, Dual Shot 5, despair of the Deep


Dragonox, abilities: Blessed Defense 5, Primal Infusion, Mana Infusion

There are mysterious prize boxes for top 6 (4/2/1).

Packs are 10% off in the web shop, https://store.honorboundgame.com
Very exciting prizes!
woah! 3 Dragons! Damn nice! It's a shame that naema dont have a direct damage skill :/