HonorBound Game

Full Version: Prizes for Solo Portal!
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Hi Honorbound!

Please meet:


The Bug-Eyed, abilities: Noxious Cloud, Poison Bolt, Demoralizing Roar


Sulei, abilities: Flowing Cut, Toxic Spray, Haste 5


Haven Hawk, abilities: Infernal Slash, Heartpiercer, Channel Mana


Pietre the Lecherous, abilities: Pickpocket, Abyssal Invocation, Mana Burst

Packs are 10% off in the web shop, https://store.honorboundgame.com
Do we have to rank lower for Pietre?
There are some issues with seeing the prize tiers in the event pop-up so let me list them here:

The Bug-Eyed, Haven Hawk, Sulei, Perfect Mythic Slime
The Bug-Eyed, Haven Hawk, Sulei, Primal Mythic Slime
The Bug-Eyed, Haven Hawk, Sulei, Perfect Leg Slime x 4
The Bug-Eyed, Haven Hawk, Sulei, Perfect Leg Slime x 2
The Bug-Eyed, Sulei, Perfect Leg Slime x 2, Ancestral Knowledge x 4
Haven Hawk, Sulei, Perfect Leg Slime x 1
Haven Hawk, Pietre the Lecherous, Perfect Epic Slime x 2, Ancestral Knowledge x 4
Pietre the Lecherous, Perfect Epic Slime x 2, Ancestral Knowledge x 4
Pietre the Lecherous, Perfect Epic Slime x 2, Ancestral Knowledge x 2
Pietre the Lecherous, Ancestral Knowledge x 1