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Full Version: Remove “stacking” from Burning Chant
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Please see Thread Subject.

And why not increase the Library while you’re at it.


True Honor Guild
Why would anybody care about this
If the library size is increased it will make your game slower. I don't think that is a general desire.
(07-25-2020, 07:02 AM)Karin Wrote: [ -> ]If the library size is increased it will make your game slower. I don't think that is a general desire.

If that is the case with the library then I get it.

Still hope you will consider my suggestion with Burning Chant.


Stacking is what’s great about it
Stacking is fine, but Burning Chant should never cost 0 mana for such a powerful ability. In my opinion, it should cost about 5 mana to use. If it's going to remain at 0 mana, then the stacking feature should be removed. The ability is broken, and has been broken since the beginning. It should be fixed.
(07-26-2020, 02:00 PM)Zeon-Quan Wrote: [ -> ]Stacking is fine, but Burning Chant should never cost 0 mana for such a powerful ability.  In my opinion, it should cost about 5 mana to use.  If it's going to remain at 0 mana, then the stacking feature should be removed.  The ability is broken, and has been broken since the beginning.  It should be fixed.

My point exactly!
So I know a number of toons have > 215 library space, because they bought it before the limit was put in, and there doesn't seem to be a big issue with performance there. I don't think increasing it to 255 would break the bank for example. The main issue with the 215 limit now is the slimes (which were introduced after the limit) and event hero summons.

It is easy to have minimum 4-5 of each color of slime at each rarity unless you really micromanage it or decide to not have slimes ready for evolving event heroes in events. 4-5 * 5 colors * blue and orange rarities is 45+ spots taken up by slimes low level slimes, much less those in top 3 guilds that might have 60+ mythic slimes at a time, given the dearth of good reward heroes to spend them on.

Maybe just don't count slimes towards the limit?

Though the issue in fact comes up most frequently when needing to use a lot of event runes to summon event heroes. Another or complimentary option would be to not count event heroes towards the limit while they are event heroes and have the special event hero badge on them...post event they would count towards the limit and would need to be disposed of to open up slots for non-event related captures/summons.

As far as burn chant goes...meh? In what scenario is it a problem? The occasional 'pvp' battle where you don't pay attention and pick the wrong option from the 3 opponents, and you don't have primal infusion? Basically the lucky burn chant stack is the only thing that makes opponents in pvp any kind of challenge. Just keep in mind that if you do take away burn chant you might have people do what they used to do, and have 4 knights with wards and siphon life heals and the commander with wards and make the battles last 10 minutes each if you can even beat them.
(08-12-2020, 12:19 AM)The reason most players hate the event reward heroes is because right now it’s only burning chant that they care about. No burning chant = trash. Without stacking, other skills will be useful in arena.10 mins against AI? Only if you have mediocre heroes. Better to use different strategies in pvp rather than just going through the motions. The game is getting boring enough.slaingod Wrote: [ -> ]So I know a number of toons have > 215 library space, because they bought it before the limit was put in, and there doesn't seem to be a big issue with performance there. I don't think increasing it to 255 would break the bank for example. The main issue with the 215 limit now is the slimes (which were introduced after the limit) and event hero summons.

It is easy to have minimum 4-5 of each color of slime at each rarity unless you really micromanage it or decide to not have slimes ready for evolving event heroes in events. 4-5 * 5 colors * blue and orange rarities is 45+ spots taken up by slimes low level slimes, much less those in top 3 guilds that might have 60+ mythic slimes at a time, given the dearth of good reward heroes to spend them on.

Maybe just don't count slimes towards the limit?

Though the issue in fact comes up most frequently when needing to use a lot of event runes to summon event heroes. Another or complimentary option would be to not count event heroes towards the limit while they are event heroes and have the special event hero badge on them...post event they would count towards the limit and would need to be disposed of to open up slots for non-event related captures/summons.

As far as burn chant goes...meh? In what scenario is it a problem? The occasional 'pvp' battle where you don't pay attention and pick the wrong option from the 3 opponents, and you don't have primal infusion? Basically the lucky burn chant stack is the only thing that makes opponents in pvp any kind of challenge. Just keep in mind that if you do take away burn chant you might have people do what they used to do, and have 4 knights with wards and siphon life heals and the commander with wards and make the battles last 10 minutes each if you can even beat them.
(07-25-2020, 12:34 AM)Dad001 Wrote: [ -> ]Please see Thread Subject.

And why not increase the Library while you’re at it.


True Honor Guild

I agree with the Library part. Also what SlainGod mentioned about it. 

But for burning chant thing. Consider this: 
You have 9 bad things and 1 good thing out of 10. 
And you want that 1 thing to be removed/moderated. That wont make the other 9 good, it would make all 10 bad.

I am ok with adding 5 mana for burning chant, but first improve the other abilities, so that they are as good as burning chant. Make other abilities so good that people automatically shift to them. No one here is interested in using Arcane blast kind of abilities to keep fighting the opponent for 10 minutes.
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