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Arena Season 6 kicks off on September 21st. This means that when that week finishes we will get honor bonus again, working towards the ranking prizes for season 6.

Arena Season 6 finishes when arena week finishes on May 24th. At that time, honor and ranks will be reset in preparation for season 7.

You receive a weekly honor bonus based on your result for that week. There is a limit to how many ranks you can move up pr week. As you move up in rank, you will earn emblems, gear, heroes and commanders.

Vengeful GladiatorElizabeth of Haven340 M
High WarlordLunadriel240 M
WarlordQueen Lilliath of the Vampires169 M
Veteran CommanderEnchanted Token of the Sun118 M
CommanderThe Dungeon Dweller82 M
Veteran CenturionValorhall Beast Bewitcher62 M
CenturionCommander Summoning Emblem x100051 M
Veteran LegionnaireMistress Blackheart41 M
Legionnaire100% essence x 232 M
Veteran GuardPyrestone Amulet25 M
GuardFiery Ring of Brilliance20 M
Veteran GruntCommander Summoning Emblem x30015 M
GruntSwordsman's Pendant10 M
BrawlerDragon Marks x 1005 M
ScrapperCommander Summoning Emblem x2001 M

The first commander is a legendary commander. There are more comm emblems in the thresholds. This season is as long as season 5, so it's longer than season 4.

Screen shots of the new commanders and heroes are posted below.

The arena week finishes each Monday (see time in game) and the prizes are paid out on Tuesday.
1st10,000x Diamonds2x Gold Strongbox
2nd5,000 Diamonds2x Gold Strongbox
3rd3,000 Diamonds2x Gold Strongbox
4th-10th2,000 Diamonds2x Gold Strongbox
11th - 20th1,000 Diamonds1x Gold Strongbox, 2x Silver Strongbox
21st - 32nd1x Gold Strongbox2x Silver Strongbox
33rd - 100th2x Silver Strongbox1x Bronze Strongbox
101st - 500th1x Silver Strongbox2x Bronze Stronbox
501st - 1000th3x Bronze Strongbox
1001st - 2000th2x Bronze Strongbox
2001st - 3000th1x Bronze Strongbox

Ranking heroes:


Valorhall Beast Bewitcher, abilities: Infernal Slash, Blessed Defense, Primal Ward


The Dungeon Dweller, abilities: Pickpocket, Minor Poison, Mana Infusion


Queen Lilliath of the Vampires, abilities: Primal Blow, Primal Invocation, Slow


Lunadriel, abilities: Entropic Arrow, Channel Mana, Lunar Invocation

Ranking commanders:


Mistress Blackheart, abilities: Parasitic Spores, Darkness Unending, Entropy


Elizabeth of Haven, abilities: Deep Slash, Crusader's Chant, Haste 5
not a bad line-up of prizes! def want that Mizz Blackheart re-skin
im grunt level now, but i still dont receive 200 summoning emblem reward..
You usually need to fight a couple of fights as well as restart the game. If it is still a problem 24 hours after you did that, please contact Support, https://forum.honorboundgame.com/thread-4.html
Karin.. I haven't received fiery ring of brilliance yet.
You usually need to fight a couple of fights as well as restart the game. If it is still a problem 24 hours after you did that, please contact Support, https://forum.honorboundgame.com/thread-4.html
Do we receive the hero’s from arena rewards at the end of the season or on Rank update?
The heroes will be awarded as you reach the threshold. Then it is a twenty day wait as you research them. They appear in your summon research section.
Do we receive the heros from arena rewards at the end of the season or on Rank update?
The heroes will be awarded as you reach the threshold. Then it is a twenty day wait as you research them. They appear in your summon research section.
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