HonorBound Game

Full Version: Prizes for Guild Assault!
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PHi Honorbound!

Please meet:


The Arrow of Rimeholm, abilities: Barbed Arrow 5, Necrotic Cut, Channel Mana


Seitei the Eternal, abilities: Deep Slash, Retribution, Flaming Fist


Rimeholm Guard, abilities: Blessed Defense 5, Spirit Ward, Murderous Reputation


Decapoda the Failed, abilities: Blessed Defense, Stalwart Stance, Shield Bash

There are mysterious prize boxes for top 6 (4/2/1).

Packs are 10% off in the web shop, https://store.honorboundgame.com
Is there a plan to reimburse people who got non-event hero legendaries early in the event from runes? And not with more event legendaries because they are worthless now. It is pretty frustrating getting a 10x with 1 legendary, and then you find out it isn't even an event hero. I received 4 'riled' legendaries from my 40x.
This was fixed 25 minutes into the event after the first report. The Guild Representatives were told to ask anyone getting a wrong hero to send ticket right away and they would get it replaced right away. Support was manned extra for several hours after to make sure to help people. Please send the ticket if you haven't already.
A post here (forums) would have been good, as a general rule.
Is it possible to have an fair assault? Difference between Android and ios. It's easier to play on ios in vault. Boss is harder to fight on android! How to handle that for champions? This has been reported before but nobody cares....
My personal experience is that with the latest android phones there is really not much difference anymore. And in any case, there is no real way to compensate for variations in device age, speed of connection, luck of runes, whatever else may come into play.