HonorBound Game

Full Version: Phasmer's Takeover!
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Hi HonorBound!

Phasmer returns with another take-over of the Elite runes. Between Tuesday April 16th (noon PST) and Thursday April 25th (noon PST) you can choose to use your Elite runes for summoning from a special pool of heroes. DO NOT summon from the old pool! Use the one that says Phasmer.

Be aware that, like last time, x10 summon does not guarantee a legendary. There will be Elite runes in the thresholds for the Solo Bounty, starting on April 18th. The packs, that will be up during the Takeover, will offer Elite runes, with 50% more runes than usual in the packs as there is no guarantee of a legendary. Packs are 10% off in the web shop, https://store.honorboundgame.com

For the duration of the special pool and for a week after, the Elite runes will look like other special summoning runes.

These are the commanders, mythic and legendary heroes you could get lucky and summon (epics are not listed):

Empress Fela-Alshin
Revenant Thresher
Mistress Blackheart
The Baronet

Madding Wind Commander
Brass Skull
The Abomination
Rhea the Protector
The Key Wielder
Servitor Carver
Darkrealm Commodore
Mila Leafshot
Warglaive Defender
Kabuki Ronin
Chosen Humanoid

Valerie the Valkyrie 
Liashi Watchers
Servitor Archer
The Mummy
Duskweald Fighter
Spiderkin Clone
Doctor Elf Lor
Ghost of the Fellmire
Satikai Vampire Bane
The Dead Priest
There is a short break for Phasmer as he was only giving 9 heroes for the 10 pull. Will be back asap.

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