HonorBound Game

Full Version: The Chaos Ghoul Pack!
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The Chaos Ghoul, NEW mythic
The Dragon, mythic
Naema the Survivor, mythic

The Werebeast of Ordonfell, NEW legendary
The Scientist, legendary
Dragonox, legendary
Bandit Quack, legendary
The Duke of Blood, legendary

Packs are 10% off in the web shop, https://store.honorboundgame.com


The Chaos Ghoul, abilities: Brilliant Blow, Demoralizing Roar, Abyssal Invocation


The Werebeast of Ordonfell, abilities: Blessed Defense 5, Terra Ward, Siphon Life 4
Wow nice pack!
I'm not much of a spender but this one looks really promising!
Does anyone know the drop % of legs and mythics?