Reputation Report for Kronoprime
(Junior Member)

Total Reputation: 3

Reputation from Members: 0
Reputation from Posts: 3
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 1 0 0
Last 6 months 1 0 0
All Time 3 0 0
Whoss1988 ( 0 ) - Last updated 08-14-2024, 01:37 AM
Rating given for Kronoprime's post in A second tier of commanders for purchase with emblems

Positive (+1): [No comment]
SoniyaThakur ( 0 ) - Last updated 04-03-2022, 12:51 PM
Rating given for Kronoprime's post in Happy New Year

Positive (+1): 5
tomstomstoms2 ( 0 ) - Last updated 05-13-2021, 09:47 AM
Rating given for Kronoprime's post in Schedule for May

Positive (+1): [No comment]