HonorBound Game

Full Version: Prizes for the 4 day Guild Portal!
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Hi Honorbound!

Please meet:


The Master of Ceremony, abilities: Resurrection, Invocation of Spirit, Mana Burst 3


Fergus Sleekit, abilities: Deep Slash, Cleave, Primal Infusion


Swamp Troll Minions, abilities: Void Strike, Fiery Cleave, Frightful Visage


Daisuke Never-Ronin, abilities: Primal Blow, Parasitic Spores, Haste 5

There are mysterious prize boxes for top 6 (4/2/1).

Packs are 10% off in the web shop, https://store.honorboundgame.com
So does prize support go through a period of 3-4 events having good heroes to like 6-7 events of useless heroes? Asking for a friend.