Starting on January 1. 2025 with no expiration date.
How it works:
What can you win:
How it works:
- The top 5 players (regardless of guild) with the highest score in any event wins one token, added manually by Support.
- Once you have 20 tokens, you can contact Support for the customization process (see below).
- The token is an Elite Skirmish Key. It cannot be used for anything in the game.
- The customization does not expire. You can use it when you choose.
What can you win:
- If you have won 20 tokens, you get to choose a different art for one of your commanders.
- You cannot change abilities, affinity or power level.
- You can change the art, the title and text.
- The art can be any of the ones already in the game. The wiki should be helpful,
- [url=][/url]The customization is only for a commander and only for one you already have.
- The commander will have to be compiled from scratch so there will be some processing time.