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Schedule for October
Hi Honorbound!

This is what is lined up for October:

Tuesday 4th: PHASMER takes over the Elite Runes with a special, limited time pool for the Elite Runes!

Thursday 6th: 4 day Solo Bounty (Resource event with Elite Rune thresholds)

Friday 14th: Last day of Phasmer's Takeover

Friday 14th: 4 day Guild Bounty 
Thursday 20th: 4 day Solo Portal (Resource event)
Thursday 27th 4 day Guild Portal (last event in HB Champ 16)
Would it be possible to request the floating pumpkin head as a Halloween event character to win. Or maybe the hero called The Forgetful, or the Noz'myx skeleton dragon all Halloween vibes.
( Leader of Revenants )Officer Of Relentless - Former - Officer of Adult $in
The prizes are created some months ahead. The last reskins of these heroes would not be fun to win now and I am afraid it is too late to use any of the art for November. I think there will be a Collection in November and that the Halloween themed collection will be used.

If you have requests for Christmas, now is the time.
Ah cool understandable completely thank you =). As for Christmas then a cold type character may I request Queen of Frost, or Lady of Winter.
( Leader of Revenants )Officer Of Relentless - Former - Officer of Adult $in

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