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Win your choice of art for one of your commanders!
As part of the 10th anniversary celebration a contest will be running from April 1st and the rest of the year.

How it works:
  • Top 5 players (regardless of guild) with the highest score in any Bounty event wins one token, added manually by Support.
  • Once you have 10 tokens, you can contact Support for the customization process (see below).
  • You can only win one customization pr. account in 2024.
  • The token will be the yellow smiley coin from the original Aurum. Yes, you can actually use them to summon the legendary Aurum. Support will keep track of tokens granted so you won't lose anything by trying.

What can you win:
  • If you have won 10 tokens in 2024, you get to choose a different art for one of your commanders.
  • You can only choose the art. You cannot change abilities.
  • The art can be any of the ones already in the game. The wiki should be helpful,
  • The commander will have to be compiled from scratch so there will be some processing time.

If this turns out to be popular, it is possible to run something similar next year as well.
If your doing this for Bounty events not really fair for free to play players. Or even the rookies of game. Your going to expect us to spend money to stay top 5 when you already know for a fact who spends the most in this game and who has everything no one will beat those players ever. Anyone who has been around for years knowns this. Just give them the rewards automatic your already know the winners smh. Last thing those players have multiple accounts what makes you think they won't just keep going to earn this on each account. Rest of us no chance and that's facts....and this is pose to be a celebration seems debatable lol rant over peace.
( Leader of Revenants )Officer Of Relentless - Former - Officer of Adult $in
Fully agree with Snowcago. Winners are already decided and the event hasn't even started. So much for this highly anticipated event... :/

I have a better idea!
To make it more fair for everyone, have it be a solo grind. During all solo events the Mythic Perfect Slime is always at 9M iirc. So grind that (or even 5M would be a crazy investment enough for the average long-time player tbh) for a total of 10 times and you're eligible for the reward.

Sure it will prob require spending diamonds. And it's still very very very time consuming. But this makes it more fair. Everyone actually gets a chance!
Also, it can be any solo event, not just Bounty, which eliminates that issue as well!

With the current plan it's actually pretty off-putting to even think of attempting to compete with the whales...

What do you guys think? Let everyone know!
Good idea with awful implementation. Not only it is limited to top5 in Bounties, but theres also a time limit. There definitely was a better way, that could also involve some fun.
Proud leader of Derrick cult and officer of Ancient Acorns
As mentioned in the original post, this could become a regular feature after this first round so I am collecting all the feedback.
I have removed:
"Once we hit January 1st, the tokens are invalid."

Ten tokens you won in 2024 can always be used at a later time. But what you have collected won't carry over to 2025. You will have to start over if you didn't reach ten tokens in 2024.

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